References used within CoRA Docs

This is not a intended to be a full comprehensive listing of all references. If you feel there are some important references that are missing please feel free to add them or create a GitHub issue/ticket to get it added

Albert A.M. and W.R. Maples 1995 Stages of epiphyseal union for thoracic and lumbar vertebral centra as a method of age determination for teenage and young adult skeletons. Journal of Forensic Sciences 40:623-633.

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Lovejoy, C.O., R.S. Meindl, T.R. Pryzbeck, and R.P. Mensforth 1985 Chronological metamorphosis of the auricular surface of the ilium: A new method for determination of adult skeletal age at death. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 68:15–28.

Mann, R.W., R.L. Jantz, W.M. Bass, and P.S. Willey 1991 Maxillary suture obliteration: A visual method for estimating skeletal age. Journal of Forensic Sciences 36:781–791.

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Rogers, T.L. 1999 A visual method of determining the sex of skeletal remains using the distal humerus. Journal of Forensic Sciences 44:57–60.

Samworth, R. and R. Gowland 2007 Estimation of adult skeletal age-at-death: Statistical assumptions and applications. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 17:174–188.

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Tallman, S. and A. Winburn. 2015 Forensic Applicability of Femur Subtrochanteric Shape to Ancestry Assessment in Thai and White American Males. Journal of Forensic Sciences 60:1283–1289.

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