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Specimens or Skeletal Elements

Specimen are individual human remains which can be categorized. Many of the modules on the site are focused on specimens and their association details such as Biological Profile, DNA Profile, Measurements, Zones, Articulation, Pair Matching, Refits, Morphology, Pathology, Trauma, Taphonomy, etc. This section will explore navigating the specimens and their associations screen related characteristics.

  • Specimen Navigation
  • Creating a New Specimen
  • Creating a New Specimen Group
  • Specimen Search
  • Specimen Details

Specimen Navigation

Specimen Navigation

On the left side bar - you can access the main options for specimens. For Report Dashboard - please see the Reports documentation.

Creating Specimens

You can create a new specimen in multiple ways. For example you can create a a single specimen or multiple specimens belonging to a bone group such as Arm, Shoulder, Vertebral Column, Hand, Feet, etc. In the future we plan to include specimen creation via a Homunculus. I know I'm getting ahead of myself but that is on our dream list.

Single Specimen

To create a new specimen navigate to the Left Sidebar Menu -> Specimen -> New Specimen. You will be taken to the new specimen screen as shown below.

New Specimen

The screen fields are shown below. Fields in bold are required.

Attributes Data Type Size Validation Rule Required/Optional
Accession String 32 chars Can only contain letters, numbers, dash and space and should have min 3 chars Required
Provenance1 String 32 chars Can only contain letters, numbers, dash and space Optional
Provenance2 String 32 chars Can only contain letters, numbers, dash and space Optional
Designator Alphanumeric 32 chars Can only contain letters and numbers Required
Bone Id id valid bones via dropdown Required
Side String 8 chars valid sides via dropdown (Left, Right, Middle, Unsided) Required
Completeness String 16 chars valid completeness via dropdown (Complete, Incomplete) Required

Once these details are filled and the specimen is saved, a new specimen with an appropriate id is generated and the user is navigated to the below screen. The screen is in View state and the user can edit it by clicking on the edit icon.

  1. The toolbar shows the options to the Edit/Save button and the Expand/Collapse button.
  2. The Details button lists all specimen associations.

View and Edit Specimen

The screen fields are shown below. Fields in bold are required.

Attributes Data Type Size Validation Rule Required/Optional
Accession String 32 chars Can only contain letters, numbers, dash and space and should have min 3 chars Required
Provenance1 String 32 chars Can only contain letters, numbers, dash and space Optional
Provenance2 String 32 chars Can only contain letters, numbers, dash and space Optional
Designator Alphanumeric 32 chars Can only contain letters and numbers Required
Bone Id id valid bones via dropdown Required
Side String 8 chars valid sides via dropdown (Left, Right, Middle, Unsided) Required
Completeness String 16 chars valid completeness via dropdown (Complete, Incomplete) Required
Measured Boolean true/false toggle Optional
DNA Sampled Boolean true/false toggle Optional
Isotope Sampled Boolean true/false toggle Optional
Inventory Completed Boolean true/false toggle Optional
Reviewed Boolean true/false toggle Optional
CT Scanned Boolean true/false toggle Optional
X-ray Scanned Boolean true/false toggle Optional
3D Scanned Boolean true/false toggle Optional
Individual Number String 32 chars can only contain letters, numbers, dash and space Optional
Remain Status String 16 chars valid sides via dropdown (In Lab, Released) Optional

Click "Save" When you are done making changes.

A specimen can be deleted by clicking on the delete icon and then confirming the deletion in the pop-up.

Multiple via Bone Group

To create a multiple specimens via bone group - navigate to the Left Sidebar Menu -> Specimen -> New via Bone Group. You will be taken to the new specimens via bone group screen. Here you can create multiple specimens that belong to the same bone group.


This is the preferred way to create multiple specimens within a bone group as CoRA will automatically create articulation relationship amongst them. You can also apply Pathology, Trauma and Taphonomy to these specimens at the time of creation simplifying and speeding up the data entry process.

The fields to create a new bone group are:

  • Bone Group
    • Grouping
    • Bones
    • Side (defaulted to 'Left')
    • Completeness (defaulted to 'Complete')
  • Accession
    • Accession
    • Provenance 1
    • Provenance 2
    • Starting Designator
  • Pathology
    • Trauma
    • Pathology
    • Taphonomy

The bolded fields are required. Once you have created a new bone group, you can edit the fields and click "Save" to update the bone group.

Attributes Data Type Size Validation Rule Required/Optional
Bone Group String 64 chars can only contain letters Required
Bone Group Id String 64 chars valid UUID, auto generated Required
Side String 8 chars valid sides via dropdown (Left, Right, Middle, Unsided) Required
Completeness String 16 chars valid completeness via dropdown (Complete, Incomplete) Required
Accession String 32 chars can only contain letters, numbers, dash and space and should have min 3 chars Required
Provenance1 String 32 chars can only contain letters, numbers, dash and space Optional
Provenance2 String 32 chars can only contain letters, numbers, dash and space Optional
Starting Designator Alphanumeric 32 chars can only contain letters and numbers Required
Bone Id id valid bones via dropdown Required

Once you have created a new bone group, you can edit the fields and click "Save" to update the bone group.


When creating specimens via bone groups, you only have to specify the starting designator and CoRA will automatically create the specimens with that starting designator and increment it for subsequent specimens within the bone group.

Multiple via Homunculus

To create a multiple specimens via homunculus - click the "New via homunculus" link on the Specimens left navigation bar. You will be taken to the new specimens via homunculus screen.


This is an experimental feature and is work in progress. We will keep you posted when this feature is available.

Specimen Actions or Details

The screenshot below shows the Actions or Details menu for the selected specimen. Here you can enter association data for the specimen. Each of the Action or Details menu option is explained in the following section.

Biological Profile

The Biological Profile is where you can record the various methods and method features for method type Age, Ancestry, Sex, and Stature. CoRA's intellisense engine will automatically provide you the available methods for each method type which are currently registered in CoRA. The user can add, edit or delete a method.






This section needs to be documented

DNA Profile

The DNA Profile screen displays the following elements about a bone:

  • DNA Sample Number
  • Lab
  • External Case #
  • BTB Request Date
  • BTB Results Date
  • Disposition
  • Sample Condition
  • Weight Sample Remaining

On this screen, you can also view the "Mito", "auSTR", and "Y-STR" forms and navigate by clicking the form name or by clicking the Next button.

Isotope Analysis

The 'Create Isotope' section allows to create a isotope for the given bone. This section has the following elements. - Lab - External Case # - Isotope Sample Number

After you create the Isotope, you will receive the "success" message. By selecting the sample number, the Isotope screen pops up. Click on the Edit button to edit the information under each section.CLick on the Save button under each section saves the information and navigates the user to the next section of information. All the updated information can be saved at once by clicking on the ‘Save All’ button.


The Taphonomies section allows you to view Taphonomies for the given bone. To add Taphonomy, click the pencil icon to edit and select Taphonomies. Click the Save icon to save the changes.

Zonal Classification

The Zones pane displays various zones of the bone. For example below are the following zones about the bone Radius:

  • Lateral half of radial head
  • Medial half of radial head
  • Lateral portion of distal articulation
  • Medial portion of distal articulation
  • Proximal diaphysis
  • Lateral half of diaphysis
  • Medial half of diaphysis
  • Superior half of distal third
  • Lateral distal third
  • Medial distal third
  • Styloid process

These fields are read only - to edit then click the pencil icon. Multiple zones can be selected. All the listed Zones can be selected or deselected by clicking the ‘Select all’ check box. Click the save icon to save the changes.


The measurements pane displays various measurements of the given bone. The following are the measurements for a given bone Radius: - Rad_01 Maximum Length - Rad_02 Maximum Diameter of the Radius at Midshaft - Rad_03 Minimum Diameter of the Radius at Midshaft - Rad_04 Maximum Diameter of the Head - Rad_05 Anterior-Posterior (Sagittal) Diameter at Midshaft - Rad_06 Medial-Lateral (Transverse) Diameter at Midshaft - Rad_07 Maximum Diameter at the Radial Tuberosity - Rad_08 Maximum Diameter of the Diaphysis Distal to the Radial Tuberosity - Rad_09 Minimum Diameter of the Diaphysis Distal to the Radial Tuberosity - Rad_10 Breadth of the Distal Epiphysis

These fields are read only - to edit, click the pencil icon. the minimum value, threshold limit and maximum limit are indicated to the user through the alerts. Click the save icon to save the changes or ‘Undo’ icon to undo all the changes made. The blue badge on top of the bone name indicates the number of measurements filled out of the total number of available measurements for that particular bone. The pane can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the arrow icon.


There are four types of associations. Process of adding each association is shown below. After the association is added, refresh the page to see the Details button updated. The details button opens a data table of all available associations under that specimen.

Pair Matching




Pathology, Anomaly & Trauma

Pathology, Trauma and Anomaly can be accessed on one screen as different tabs. The user can create a new item by clicking on the create button.




Specimen Review

The review tab is a pane which displays all other sub reports in one area. All reports are editable in the pane. For information on individual reports - see their detailed documentation.

Specimen Bulk Edit

Several specimen fields can be bulk-edited. To bulk edit, select multiple specimens by clicking in the boxes next to the specimens you want to edit, click on the Actions tab, and then select Batch Edit.

In the popup, select the changes you wish to make. When you mark a specimen as scanned, completed, or reviewed, the date for the change is auto-filled to the current date.

If the remains are marked as in the lab, there is no corresponding date.

If the remains are marked as released, there is a date field.

The easiest way to search for specimens is to use the top search bar in the header. To find out more visit the search documentation

Last update: 2024-01-05
Created: 2023-12-22